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Yahoo and Thank You

Appreciation and gratitude to keep receiving. 

What is the difference between saying “Thank You” and feeling “Thank You!”?  I would reckon it to be something like: Puppeting a Requirement vs. Being in Joy.  When we feel gratitude in our heart, in our body, we have a hum about us that is translated to “more please;” this message sent to ourselves and to everyone and everything around us. This feeling of Thank You!, this hum is vital for Life’s continued granting of your desire – it is how you and Life know to keep the spigot turned on. 

And if celebrating, feeling that rich gratitude has been a challenge for you, all the more reason to come to this class. It is time to change the old cultural ways of “don’t get a big head,” “don’t be so full of yourself,” and the like. Being empowered, feeling this hum of Life permeating you is the cause of great abundance that can benefit many; as you grow you have more to lift others up.  Let yourself be continually lifted.

All classes will be held from 6:00-9:30 pm at the Living Sensual Studio on north Capitol Hill; address to come upon your RSVP. $30 per person (Includes light bites and beverages).